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Aside from keeping up-to-date on the overlapping areas of library practice, ethics and privacy, the intention of this Roundtable is manifold:

  • Serve as a meeting point for discussion of the ethics, practice, and philosophy of privacy for anyone within the CUNY community who is interested and would like to participate
  • Raise awareness about privacy among library faculty and staff in order to better serve and inform patrons
  • Investigate and introduce the library community at large to practices, technology, and software that can circumvent the invasion of privacy
  • Reach out to other libraries and organizations, local and nationwide, for support and further education, with the aim to initiate conversation (and possibly form consensus) about best privacy practices for libraries
  • Establish a working relationship with the CUNY legal, CIS and campus IT departments to understand and articulate existing official policy for CUNY’s handling of staff and patron data, and influence future privacy policy
  • Work with the institutional legal department to formulate agreed-upon conditions of privacy to be included in vendor contract negotiations and the acquisition of general library technology and resources
  • Provide a forum for discussing recent literature and the latest issues regarding the effects of technology on privacy




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