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Letter of Support and Solidarity

Tuesday, June 02, 2020 9:40 AM | Roxanne Shirazi

To our African American friends and colleagues, We stand with you. To our Non African American friends and colleagues, we must stand against white supremacy and systemic racism. Black Lives Matter.

Today, we the LACUNY Executive Council, write to you in sadness over the acts of heinous police violence facing our African American community. The murder of George Floyd by police is another act of senseless violence that has plagued this country longer then this organization has existed. In these trying times, LACUNY stands firm against racial injustice and violence. We recognize and condemn these acts and other forms of racial violence, bigotry, and institutional racism. Now is not the time for silence and inaction but rather a time for social proactiveness.

On behalf of LACUNY, I know that many members of our community are heartbroken over this event and the continued racism and discrimination that plagues our society. It is also challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic to get the in-person support from friends and family that can be a powerful source of comfort. During this pandemic, we might not feel comfortable joining direct action campaigns in the streets; you can support this movement through a financial donation to organizations including the Black Visions Collective Movement and Minneapolis Freedom Fund.

 Other ways in demonstrating support are by:
-Listen to communities of color
-Call out white supremacy and its manifestation in institutions and in social spaces
-Check in with your students, fellow staff and faculty
- Write to elected officials
-Teach about it in your library instruction classes

In Solidarity,

On Behalf of the LACUNY Executive Council:

Ian McDermott, President
Jeffrey Delgado, Vice President/ President Elect
Ryan Phillips, Treasurer
Wanett Clyde, Secretary
Nora Almeida, Past President.

Places to donate:

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